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Thank you for this eloquent and heart-felt entry, Betsy. In your last sentence you state that creating a quality school is our focus as teachers. But the truth that you run into in all the sentences above it, is that economic and social issues are of great importance in the education of our children. As Americans, as people for that matter, we have a responsibility to push our communities to enfranchise all of their people. We have to push our governments to distribute funds equitably. We have to push ourselves to go beyond our professional responsibilities to these children and take personal responsibility.

I know when the time comes that I am lying on a table in a hospital operating room I want to look up at Tisha with her brilliance, not just somebody whose economic situation has privileged him/her into the position.

Ruby Payne's advice is just a stop-gap, the real key to achievement for students from poverty is to take them from their poverty!

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