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What a truly touching post, finely observed and beautifully written. I know that Nancy will be proud of what you have written. Probably for two reasons, first because it is always gratifying to have one's efforts appreciated, and second because it shows your growth of understanding about the people and culture of Brighton.
Back just before I started reading your blog, I was worried that you were going to be an advocate for wholesale switching of teachers from one school to another in an effort to "put the best teachers where they are most needed." I worried about that because I know that so many people who are ignorant about how schools work think that that would be a solution to the achievement gap that occurs between "successful" and "unsuccessful" schools. I was pleased that such did not prove to be the case. And this post illustrates nicely why that would not work. Nancy's knowledge of the kids and their families is an essential part of her effectiveness. I am sure she would be a good secretary anywhere she went, but she could not be the heart of a place where she was transfered into and out of at the whim of an administrator. This is true of teachers too. I am widely acknowledged to be a good teacher, but my 20 yrs. at Evander have given me an understanding and knowledge of its students that I could not have were I moved around from one failing school to another. I would be effective in my classroom eventually, but my heart, which needs time to grow tendrils of attachment that make me truly valuable, would not be able to attach if I were given no choice about where I could teach.
But enough politics, back to you and Nancy and Willie Joe--Brighton is successful in one way for sure and that is in having the three of you care so much for its children.


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