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It's great to hear about the presentation your colleagues made. One of the activities of the NYC Writing Project is a Teacher-to-Teacher Conference in which teachers present to each other exciting things they have done in their classrooms. It is one of my favorite events and I've been able to guide a few teachers through the presentating process. It never fails to remind me that wonderful things are happening in the classrooms of MY failing school, and that the "failing" part often has little to do with teacher abilities or efforts. In fact, the challenge of being among truly needy students often produces superior teachers. That is part of the reason I have absolutely NO understanding of the provision of NCLB that you mention. I find it amazingly stupid. Can you imagine telling a student, "Since you come from a failing school, you are not allowed to take part in federally funded sports"? Can you imagine telling a parent, "Since your child attends a failing school you are not allowed to be a member of the PTA"? Can you imagine telling a principal, "Since you have taken on the responsibility of a failing school, you cannot administer extra curricular activities"? Can you imagine not allowing the custodians to work maintaining the lights at a federally funded conference held in their school, not allowing District Administrators to run Head Start Programs, not allowing secretaries to work for federally funded after school activites--simply because they have chosen to help failing schools. Can...you...imagine...the...politicians...who...passed...that...law...not...accepting...federal...pay...because...their...districts...have...failing...schools!!! Teachers are singled out because they are easy targets for cheap shots; because every wrong headed bureaucrat thinks of them not as professionals providing a vital service under the most challenging conditions (which are never of their own making), but, instead, as greedy, tax-guzzling, lazy, unaccountable drones. In my experience, and it is a wide experience at this point, teachers in failing schools (in general) have classroom management skills and instructional skills that teachers of elite, well-prepared, fully funded, small classroomed, parent-supported schools can only dream about.
NCLB is a driverless truck that cannot get out of its own way. But I'm not worried because teachers like you and your colleagues will do their best every day to protect the children from it and guide them to the back doors to opportunity that good teachers always have had to find for the children society has backhanded.

I'm so sorry to hear about your father's declining health.I will include you both in my prayers.


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